Why you need a VISION

 Written by Ijewemen Fortune

What is a VISION?

Vision is a major illustration with many elements that constitutes what you want your everyday life to resemble. These “divisions” might incorporate spiritual affinity; family and friends; health; cognitive, emotional, and individual growth; love and relationships; and career, finance, and business.

Vision goes beyond what you want, it transits into why you want it also, the reason why you want what you want greatly affects what you will do and the lengths you'll go to get what you want. 

Why is having a vision important? 

E.N Howie once said “ Vision is the ability to see what is invisible to others and the audacity to believe, build and pursue it until it is visible to others”. 

Some people think it's a frivolous waste of time to create a vision for their life but in reality, it's not. The ability to envision what you want for your life is a bold step toward achieving your dreams. 

With a clear vision in mind, you're more likely to achieve a lot of things you won't accomplish if you decide to just go with the flow of life. 

For example, ‘ thinking there's no need to plan and saying I'll go wherever the wind takes me.’ is a very cliché way to live one's life, because at a point you begin to wonder;

  • Where you're going 
  • Why you're going there
  • What happens when you get there

And sometimes it's already too late to even look back, nevertheless, I believe in the saying that “it is never too late to be what you might have been”. 

You feel more satisfied with your life when you meet targets of already planned goals to fulfill a vision. 

One important thing to note is that if you don't know what your Vision is and own it, you'll authorize other people and different circumstances to influence the path of your life. 

How to create your vision

You don't just wake up one day with a clear vision in mind, vision needs to be cultivated and developed, and it demands time and self-reflection. 
Dreams and ambitions are a few of the many factors that influence vision, it all boils down to your values and objectives, which in turn give you the enthusiasm to stay committed to scouring what you're capable of becoming.    

What do you want? 

This question sounds so easy, right? You want a house, you want more money, you want fame, but don't we all? 

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this question is one of the most difficult personal questions you'll ever come across. Sometimes after exploring the depths of yourself, you find out that what you think you want, isn't exactly what you want or what will give you satisfaction in life. 

Furthermore, you need to constantly remind Yourself, that a life of success and satisfaction doesn't normally happen by luck, but by design. 

If you really want to dig deeper into your desires ask yourself thought-stimulating questions concerning every aspect of your life, ranging from your professional to personal life; the substantial and insubstantial; Success; Family and friends; mental health, etc.   

Ways to locate your vision

  1. Focus more on yourself 
  2. Think of what you desire 
  3. Allow your subconscious the power to dream, don't think you're not worth having a dream. 
  4. Be creative, think far and wide, and consider every possible outcome there is to something. 
  5. Be who you are, and not what others want you to be. 

Some Thought-provoking questions to ask yourself 

  1. What really makes a difference to you? 
  2. Money aside, what do you want out of your career, business, work, etc? 
  3. What are your deepest fascinations? 
  4. What is special about you? 
  5. What attributes will you like to acquire? 
  6. What would make you feel more fulfilled in life? 
  7. What are your values? 
  8. What do you care about? 
  9. What would you like to accomplish, if you could accomplish just one thing in life? 
  10. What legacy do you want to leave behind? 

It is very beneficial to write this down in a journal, feel free to add your own questions. Perhaps if your answers to these questions change, you can come back to them, write them down, and also don't forget to put down why your answers changed. 

As I conclude, remember that “A man without a vision, is a man without a future”. 


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